Op-ed: A better Miami, a stronger community … but when? Leadership in the Faculty Alliance of Miami write in an op-ed that lengthy negotiations are a union-busting tactic. Negotiations on a first contract have now stretched more than 500 days.
New efforts to preserve historic buildings in Oxford could be on horizon As Oxford continues to work with consultants to create a new historic preservation plan and update its design standards, pursuing National Register designation for the city seems likely.
MLK Day Celebration set for Monday morning A celebration will be held for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at the OCAC next week.
Op-ed: A better Miami, a stronger community … but when? Leadership in the Faculty Alliance of Miami write in an op-ed that lengthy negotiations are a union-busting tactic. Negotiations on a first contract have now stretched more than 500 days.
New approach to zoning, listing on National Register of Historic Places among suggestions at Oxford town hall
Miami creates site selection committee for new arena as Board of Trustees approves initial planning funds
Google Calendar settings lead to security concerns at Talawanda; board considers creation of new staff positions