McCullough-Hyde Foundation awards more than $60,000 in grants for local orgs TOPSS, the Oxford Community Arts Center and other local organizations were among grant recipients this fall.
Kiwanis accepting donations for annual food drive People looking to give back this holiday season can help low-income residents by donating to the Kiwanis Club's annual Holiday Food Program.
Town hall event planned for Oxford code update This summer, Oxford hired a consulting firm to create a Unified Development Code for the city. Oxford will host a town hall with residents next week as part of the process.
Folk Club, OCAC to host contra dances in November and March The Oxford Folk Club has held dances in town for more than 40 years. The next dance is set for Nov. 1.
League of Women Voters to hold discussion on Fire and EMS levy Oxford residents looking to learn more about Issue 2 will have an opportunity at an event set for Oct. 16.
Oxford Free Press, other local orgs receive grants from Greater Oxford Community Foundation The Greater Oxford Community Foundation awarded grants to more than a dozen local organizations to help with current initiatives. The foundation's next deadline to apply for grants is in December.
Humane Society Dog of the Month: Tritan Tritan, the Preble County Humane Society's pet of the month, doesn't sit still for long, but he's still looking for a permanent home.