Automakers vs. AM radio If leaders in the car industry have their way, future car models won't have AM radio. That move would put Americans at risk, particularly during emergencies which government agencies rely on AM radio to communicate about.
Social media, mental health and our kids Australia recently moved to ban social media accounts for adolescents under age 16. Teens spend an average of 5 hours each day on social media-related apps, and legislators in the U.S., too, are looking for ways to curb technology's influence.
News in a fractured media market Advertisers have spent $390 billion in the U.S. this year. Unlike in the past century, though, only a sliver of that funding has gone toward print media as the market has continued to diversify.
Save Millett: Arena over troubled water With Miami University considering demolishing Millett Hall to build a new arena, Oxford Free Press Board Secretary Richard Campbell looks back at one iconic performance in the arena.
Young Voters: Energized … and disillusioned Oxford is a college town, and many students may be first-time voters. Columnist Richard Campbell writes that young voters make up one of the hardest demographics for candidates to reach.
Less news, more music News is important, but it can also be exhausting. Columnist Richard Campbell writes about the benefits of stepping back from the 24-hour news cycle and tuning in to music.
Politics, storytelling … and TV ad spots Columnist and Board Secretary Richard Campbell writes that storytelling, true or false, is at the center of political advertising in every election cycle.