Talawanda student wins state chess competition Isaac Coffin, 14, has been playing chess for years. Now, he's winning competitions, too.
Chocolate Meltdown set to return in January with new chocolate crawl event Multiple organizations including the Oxford Community Arts Center are once again teaming up to host the Chocolate Meltdown this January.
Miami creates site selection committee for new arena as Board of Trustees approves initial planning funds Miami University's plans to replace Millett Hall are one step closer to reality after the Board of Trustees approved a resolution to spend up to $3.5 million on preliminary architectural services.
Reily Township celebrates Christmas with tree lighting, visit from Santa Reily Township's third annual Christmas tree lighting included caroling, hot chocolate and a visit from Santa.
Oxford housing commission considers tools to support tenants Oxford's Housing Advisory Commissions considered ways to protect tenants against evictions and help renters understand their rights during a December meeting.
Lawyer leading Miami University negotiations with faculty union named in criminal indictment The Ohio Investigative Unit and the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office have named a lawyer working for Miami University in an indictment related to illegal bars. The lawyer, who has been working on union negotiations, is accused of tampering with records.
Local organization targets housing insecurity in Oxford Since forming less than two years ago, Oxford Area Solutions for Housing has attracted more than 100 residents from across various sectors with its mission to end housing insecurity in Oxford.