City asks for input to guide code update

Oxford has contracted with a consulting firm to create a Unified Development Code and historic preservation materials. The city is asking for community input through an online survey.

City asks for input to guide code update
Oxford held a town hall with consulting firm McKenna regarding a code update last fall. Now, the city is soliciting online feedback to inform the update draft. Photo by Sean Scott

The City of Oxford is looking for community feedback as it works with McKenna, a consulting firm, to create a new Unified Development Code (UDC).

Last July, Oxford City Council approved a $199,000 contract with McKenna to update the city’s historic design guidelines, create a historic preservation plan and draft a UDC. According to the Oxford Today website created for the project, the UDC will “streamline planning and zoning processes” by creating easy-to-navigate regulations for residents and developers.

The website,, includes a community survey to guide the zoning process. Questions focus on neighborhood character, including how residents would respond to certain types of structures being built near their homes and what kinds of housing they would like to see.

According to a schedule on the website, a second community open house will be held in February, though the date has not been finalized yet.