Kiwanis accepting donations for annual food drive
People looking to give back this holiday season can help low-income residents by donating to the Kiwanis Club's annual Holiday Food Program.

The Kiwanis Club of Oxford’s annual Holiday Food Program has begun accepting donations.
Each year, Kiwanis holds a food drive to support the Talawanda Oxford Pantry and Social Services (TOPSS) during the holiday season. This year, TOPSS has set a goal to raise $12,000 to provide holiday bags for its clients, including holiday food items, weekly food staples and holiday gift cards.
Kiwanis is holding a fundraising effort Oct. 15 through Nov. 15 to help purchase gift cards for TOPSS clients, as well as small food drives organized by local schools to collect traditional holiday foods. Residents can donate online at, through Venmo by sending money to @topsspantry or by mailing a check to TOPSS at P.O. Box 391, Oxford, OH 45056.