Oxford Township plans to replace police radios; seeks contractors for building improvements

The Oxford Township Police Department is looking into grant funding for necessary radio upgrades which will cost more than $70,000. The township is seeking contractors for improvements to the township building.

Oxford Township plans to replace police radios; seeks contractors for building improvements
Oxford Township is seeking contractors to do work on the township building. Photo by Sean Scott

This brief was contributed by Norma Pennock, Oxford Township Trustee. You can reach her at npennock@oxfordtwpohio.org.

The Oxford Township Board of Trustees held its regular monthly meeting Feb. 10 at Township Hall. Fiscal Officer Roger Van Frank presented financial reports for the previous month and updated the Trustees on year-end reconciliation progress.

Road Superintendent Johnny Smith reported that he has 242 tons of salt in storage and expects that will carry him through the season. Depending on the availability of the county crew that performs needed ditch work for the township, he will schedule work on Buckley, Oxford Milford, Booth and Indian Creek Roads. He also intends to do some brush cutting on Indian Creek Road and Retreat Lane.

Administrative Assistant Tricia Powell reported for the Police Department. Activity in the past month included 312 calls for service, 10 of which were accident-related. Officers took 22 reports, made 206 traffic stops, issued 21 citations and responded to five calls for assistance from neighboring police departments. Radios in the police vehicles must be replaced this year in order to function with the county dispatch system. The cost will exceed $71,000. The department has identified two potential sources for grant support to help offset this cost.

Trustee Gary Salmon reported that the Township is once again eligible to apply for a sign grant from ODOT, having previously received an award several years ago. All 1308 townships in Ohio have had the opportunity to apply for this grant. Any township that was awarded the sign grant prior to 2018 may apply again. The grant includes road signs, road markers, posts and hardware.

The Trustees discussed the need for several improvements to the exterior of the township building, including siding replacement, painting and door repairs. Interested contractors should contact Trustee Norma Pennock at 513-461-3483 or npennock@oxfordtwpohio.org.

The next meeting of the Oxford Township Trustees will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 10 at Township Hall. Virtual attendance is possible.