Oxford Township schedules special meeting to discuss building improvements, ARPA funding
The Oxford Township Board of Trustees will discuss ARPA funding allocations and improvements to the township building during a special meeting tonight.
The Oxford Township Board of Trustees have scheduled a special meeting for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 29. At the meeting, the trustees will discuss proposed improvements to the township building and agreements with the Talawanda-Oxford Pantry and Social Services (TOPSS) and Oxford Seniors to distribute American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
At its Aug. 12 meeting, the board agreed to submit a grant application to Butler Rural Electric Cooperative for its Community Connection program. The funding would be used to purchase new computers for the police department and a security camera system for the building.
The trustees formally previously allocated $150,000 in ARPA funding to TOPSS and Oxford Seniors at its July 8 meeting.
The special meeting will be held in the township building, 925 S. Main St.