Oxford resident transforms home into a computer-programmed Halloween light show Each year, Brian Gardner turns his yard into a Halloween light show timed to music, complete with spiders, gravestones and more.
National Solar Tour brings Oxford community together around sustainable energy Oxford residents are embracing home solar power and sharing their experiences with the community.
Folk Club, OCAC to host contra dances in November and March The Oxford Folk Club has held dances in town for more than 40 years. The next dance is set for Nov. 1.
Stars & Stripes program celebrates 10th year Since 2015, the Rotary Club of Oxford has encouraged patriotism in town with its Stars & Stripes program.
Local gardener expands operation with new roadside stall Mary Sutton has been building her five-acre homestead for years. Now, she's selling her products in a renovated camper which she's turned into a roadside stall.
Why one Oxford resident is letting native plants flourish on his lawn Over the past two years, Jon Ralinovsky's yard has transformed from a standard grass lawn into a haven for native plant life. The change is part of a larger shift to natural lawns.
Local Legends: Oxford's First Lady Caroline Scott Harrison, an Oxford native and wife of the 23rd U.S. President, had a deep appreciation for music, history and women's rights.