From the Editor: Celebrate six months of printing with us on Jan. 10! The Oxford Free Press is celebrating six months of printing with a public reception in early January. Join us at the event or make a donation today to show your support.
Kiwanis leads local bell ringing effort to benefit TOPSS, Salvation Army The Kiwanis Club of Oxford is once again leading a bell ringing campaign to raise money for the local food pantry. Last year, the December campaign brought in $12,000.
Prudence Dana, former Oxford Mayor and voting rights advocate, dies Prudence Dana, a longtime volunteer with local organizations including the League of Women Voters, died Nov. 19.
Long-planned affordable housing project ends before breaking ground: City cites ‘untenable’ rent prices Oxford City Council voted to end an agreement with developers for a planned cottage community on Dec. 3. Also during the meeting, council approved a contract for Black Covered Bridge improvements and passed a resolution regarding on-campus developments.
Farm & Flea event brings Oxford community together The Oxford community gathered Uptown on Nov. 23 to explore what local artists and businesses had to offer at the Farm & Flea event. The event ran until 2 p.m., two hours longer than the weekly farmers market. In addition to the local artists, vendors set up food trucks
Meet the local organization restoring native wildlife, one yard at a time Dozens of locals are making environmental restoration a priority in their own lawns through Wild Ones, an organization with more than 100 chapters.
As Republicans celebrate, local Democrats regroup Democratic candidates failed to crack 40% of the vote across Butler County in this year's election. Organizers and candidates alike are looking to the future following local and national losses.