Automakers vs. AM radio If leaders in the car industry have their way, future car models won't have AM radio. That move would put Americans at risk, particularly during emergencies which government agencies rely on AM radio to communicate about.
Lawyer leading Miami University negotiations with faculty union named in criminal indictment The Ohio Investigative Unit and the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office have named a lawyer working for Miami University in an indictment related to illegal bars. The lawyer, who has been working on union negotiations, is accused of tampering with records.
Recreational marijuana sales begin in Oxford As dispensaries across the state opened their doors Aug. 6, it was to customers legally buying recreational marijuana for the first time. Oxford's two dispensaries have both officially begun selling products for recreational use.
Oxford's two medical marijuana dispensaries on path to recreational sales Two Oxford dispensaries have been granted provisional licenses by Ohio's Division of Cannabis Control. They could begin selling recreational marijuana as soon as Sept. 7 if they receive certificates of operation.